Specificity of the Park
Terrestrial National Park with a moist evergreen forest where species of amphibians, reptiles and lemurs have elected habitat. In addition, there are important rivers for electricity production.
Fauna of Mantadia Park
51 species of reptiles with a 95% endemicity rate. 84 species of amphibians with a 98% endemicity rate. 117 bird species with a 63% endemicity rate. 72 species of mammals including 14 species of lemurs. Chiroptera and Insectivores make up half of the list of these species. The endemicity rate is 78%.
Flores of Mantadia Park
120 species of orchids with a 100% endemicity rate. Most are epiphytes; more than 1,200 plant species with a 77% endemicity rate.
How to get there
By road: By RN ° 2, Antananarivo – Moramanga: 110km, then Moramanga – Andasibe: 26km.
Location of the Park
GPS: 18 ° 28 ‘South latitude, 48 ° 28’ East longitude.
Mantadia National Park is located in the Alaotra Mangoro Region, Moramanga District, between the Andasibe and Ambatovola Rural Commune
15 480 ha
Region :
Very large water reservoir with the Iofa, Sahanody and Vohitra rivers.
800 à 1200 m
Tropical humid
Broken, thanks to the many rivers that run there and leave a landscape of unique beauty.
Ideal time for the visit
Between October and November
Opening hours:
8:00 am to 4:00 pm
The RS of Analamazaotra was created in 1970.
Betsimisaraka, Bezanozano, Merina, Sihanaka