Zombitse Park

Specificity of the Park
The Zombitse Vohibasia complex is renowned for its wealth of rare bird species, endemic to Madagascar and / or the area. The Park is part of the endemic bird zone No. 093 after World Bank 1992. It also has 08 species of lemurs, some of which are almost endangered, such as the Phaner furcifer pallescens.
This Protected Area has “exceptional biodiversity”
Because of its rich biodiversity, the Zombitse Vohibasia National Park is a research area par excellence. It is a living laboratory if we count the type of research that can be done there

Fauna of Zombitse Park
The Zombitse Vohibasia National Park is home to endemic fauna species, with about 60 species of birds including 47% endemic to Madagascar, 24% endemic to the Malagasy region and a local endemic species – the Phylastrephus apperti, endemic Lacertilians and vulnerable species. Ispidina madagascariensis was recorded in the Zombitse forest. It is the only Protected Area with Phelsuma standingi and Phyllastrephus apperti. There are also 08 species of lemurs, some of which are almost endangered, such as the Phaner furcifer pallescens.
Flores of Zombitse Park
02 species of didieraceae typical of this region; different species of baobabs such as the dwarf baobabs, the Grandidier baobabs; dominance of Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Apocynaceae.